25 May 2010 10:29 by Vlandmist
http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?to ... 0&pageNo=1In verde i buff proposti, in rosso i nerfchissà di che razza è questo signore, purtroppo non possiamo saperlo, ma sono certo che seguendo i suoi consigli diventerebbe un gioco veramente bilanciato....
I have posted this thread in the suggestions forum earlier, BUT i have noticed that blizzard replies to some posts here, and almost none in the suggestions forum. I would love it if the development team skimmed through this, because i got a lot of positive feedback on it.
Suggestions for patch 14
Cloaking field radius increased by 3.
Movement speed increased by 10%
Acceleration increased.
Deceleration decreased.
Vortex ability removed.
New abilities:
Shield Supercharge: Turns shields impenetrable for 8 seconds, 75 energy, 110 second cooldown.
(many players believe this would be overpowered, but it would be very clear that the ability is active, this way telling you to simply not attack the MS for 8 seconds)
Time travel: Instantly teleports to a pylon powered location on the map, warp-in time of 25 seconds when arriving on target. 50 energy.
Life for Aiur: Assimilates a zealot into 50 energy for the Mothership, 80 second cooldown.
All players in a game are notified when a mothership comes into play. "Justice has arrived"
Chrono boost is upgraded automatically when the player has either a Dark Shrine or a Templar Archive so that it has following properties:
Targets friendly units: +15% Movement speed and +25% Energy regeneration (no move speed for massive units)
Targets buildings that are being warped in: Speeds up construction time by 50% (25% for Nexus and Photon cannon)
Targets enemy units: Gives vision of the unit for the duration.
Still works the same way for buildings, and still same energy cost(25) and duration(20)
Void Ray
Loses charge when changing target.
Charges faster.
0.3 second delay in firing when changing target.
Shields increased to 150 from 100.
Shields now have a natural +2 armor value.
Does a very small Area of Effect damage, +3 damage in a 0.25 radius per attack.
Does not collide with zerglings.
Ultralisk cavern upgrades are already researched by default.
Life increased to 550 from 450.
Damage decreased to 20.
Model size reduced by 15% to increase pathing.
New upgrade from spawning pool 150m/150g (requires ultralisk cavern).
Kaiser claws: gives a permanent +2 damage to armored units, not affected by upgrades.
Adrenal glands cost down to 100m/100g.
Frenzy ability replaced
Shroud: Covers a friendly unit with benevolent fungus, protecting it from damage worth 250 hp or a maximum of 60 seconds. Effect is removed by EMP and Feedback. 75 energy.
Corruption ability slows target movement speed and attack rate by 25%.
No longer has an energy pool. Strike cannons are an activated ability with a 80 second cooldown.
Emp drains 50% of the casters energy, down from 100%.
Snare effect no longer works on light units, with the exeption of light mechanical.
Production buildings with different add-ons are no longer divided into 2 groups, building the basic (marine hellion viking medivac) units will apply to both tech-labs and reactors in a large selection. Without tabbing.
Command Center
Can now cast its calldowns while flying.
(this is also something that people strangely believe would be overpowered, its main use would be for emergency scanning when attacked by DTs)
Cost decreased to 75.
HP decreased to 200 from 250.
Auto-turret replaced
Lockdown: Disables up to 3 light mech units (if they are clustered), or 1 massive mech unit for 25 seconds. 125 energy.
Thanks for reading. You dont have to agree with any of my suggestions, if you think they are wrong, please point out WHY and if you can, provide a better solution.
cosa dire di questa fantastica proposta di patch? ci sono così tante idee fantastiche come per esempio utilizzare il chronoboost anche per buffare le proprie units, fare reveal (tipo scanner) delle unità nemiche che sono invisibili e velocizzare anche la costruzione dei palazzi.
Poi aggiungiamo l'immortalità per 8 secondi alla mothership + altre 2 abilità (togliendo il vortex che è inutile)
Altri buff a arconti e pheonix
le missile turrets dei terran perdono il 20% degli HP, e il costo viene "ridotto" a 75. anche se non ho capito che riduzione è, perchè a me pare che ora costino già 75, o cmq poco di più. forse 80?
Good Ol' TimesThE)Rain wrote:Ora scusate ma il romano fancazzista e nulla facente deve farsi 300 km per lavoro, dopo che se ne è fatti 150 oggi... Di sicuro un padano ne farebbe 500 ma io essendo un porco posso permettermi solo questo.