GNn Report Number 1: About SpaceFed :)
Unedited as of yet, any suggestions/comments appreciated. This is my first one, so don't be too much of an ass
I'll post the final copy that will go on the Oboards once I have it.
New Top 10: Memeth & ThePlayer VS Angel DusT
New Number 1: Memeth & Lindenmann & SMTX & Tilmas Vs Yamucu
Phalanx Hit: Pillar vs. vento
Advanced 20%: metalurgistt v.s Kefro
Advanced 20%: Vlandmist vs Dark One
Phalanx Hit: Vlandmist vs the killer
War Hit: Vlandmist vs Megatron[/quote]
I'll post the final copy that will go on the Oboards once I have it.
Kotaro Fumas Report:
New Top 10's have come to life, as well as a few smaller HoF's, as the Alliance [SpaceFed] (ThE)SpaceFederation) has claimed two top ten spots. The attacks, both being ACS, once again showed that you don't have to be at the top to take the number one HoF spot.
The First battle was against Player Angel DusT, past of [ESC] (Essex Space Consortium), and had a total of 200.836.000 damage against him. The two Members of Spacefed who performed this ACS battle were The Player & Memeth, both Top 100 Ranked players.
On 2/17/2007, as it came to battle, a new Number One hit was Born. This hit, although was not just a SpaceFed hit, did include three of their top members; Lindemann, SMTX, and Memeth (again), as well as Tilmas from Alliance [Russia]. The total damage done to the defender was a 418.835.000 against Yamucu from Alliance [TC] (Turkiye Cumhuriyeti).
When asked if they had any comments on their own hit, Lindemann was nice enough to grant a nice quote for the masses over IRC, and Memth over MSN<Lindemann>
With ACS, the sky is the limit ::DMemeth:
"Never judge a man till you've walked a mile in his shoes, then who cares your a mile away and have his shoes, or in this case his fleet, res and possibly his dignity"
This was also considered a revenge hit, due to metalurgist [T.C] having hit a SpaceFed (Kefro) earlier that week for an Advanced 20%. In other SpaceFed related news, SpaceFeds player Pillar made another HoF against vento [UKR] (UkranianIndependentKozzaks), and Vlandmist [SpaceFed] performed a Solo advanced 20% on Dark One, as well as one against The Killer.
The Question burning in the minds of All Universe 18 SpaceFed fans is, with this roll that SpaceFed has been on, will they soon turn the War effort against URF (United Rebel Federation) and WZ (WARZONE) around, or will they continue this War forever?
We'll all have to wait and see... But not too long Oh yes, i'm not done here quite yet. Apparently, Vlandmist isn't the one to take URF's taunting lying down(See Diplomacy U18 for details). Vlandmist went on to make a Solo HoF Against Megatron (URF).
Will SpaceFed oneday rule U18? Well, I don't know what the future may hold (and neither do you), but we'll just have to wait and see.
New Top 10: Memeth & ThePlayer VS Angel DusT
New Number 1: Memeth & Lindenmann & SMTX & Tilmas Vs Yamucu
Phalanx Hit: Pillar vs. vento
Advanced 20%: metalurgistt v.s Kefro
Advanced 20%: Vlandmist vs Dark One
Phalanx Hit: Vlandmist vs the killer
War Hit: Vlandmist vs Megatron[/quote]
Beware... For the Return is near...