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New Ship: Battlecruiser's Discussion



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Post 01 Feb 2007 04:42

I used:

50LF 7C 10BS 1B 1D with good results in uni 7 ;)
So I'll just get more cruisers and put the BC in the same category with B/D

50LF 10C 10BS 1BC 1B 1D

Also they say it's good to have as many recyclers as your BS. And it's a wise idea imo.

(Edit: it may work best if you multiply those numbers by 1000. At least that's how I made the plan. Not sure if the ratio has the same effect on smaller fleets)
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SpaceFed 1st Lieutenent
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Post 01 Feb 2007 05:01

i think with a fleet like that you are opening yourself up to people with large BC fleets. the more BS and CR you have the more you open yourself to the RF of the BC. i also think with a fleet ratio like that you arn't taking advantage of the new ships RF. and the new RF vs Lf makes such a large ratio vonerable.

i dont mean to assume but idk know if every one really understands how RF works. i could be wrong but untill some one better explained it to me i also had the wrong impression

so incase anyone wasnt aware first i try to explain how the combat system works and then the RF

each chip fires at a rondom ship each round. sheild power of the defending ships is subtracted from the attacking power (and sheild power is regenerated every round) if a ship looses 30% of its HP (hp = structural integrity / 10) then it has a chance of blowing up ie. Once the round is done, X% damage to their hull, with X >= 30, have an X% chance to blow up. so 60% damage mean 60%chance of blowing up.

so as you know ships fire randomly at opposing ships. if a ship hits a ship it has rf against it has a chance to fire again based on it RF
how the numbers work
CR RF 6 vs LF
100/6 = 17
100-17 = 83
so if a crusier hit a lf (when fireing at a rondom ship) it has a 83% chance to fire again if it hits another lf it again has an 83% chance of fireing again. so 1 crusier could take out 100000 lf in round but this is astronomicly unlikely it could also take out 0 lf if it doesnt hit one on its first shot

Note a ship does not have to die of RF to work it can be hit and live and the fireing ship with RF can still fire again at a random target.


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Post 01 Feb 2007 11:10

Don't forget that BC have a pretty low attack (so if you have better techs that the opponent it can't actually kill that many BS/C) and that defense does not have RF against ships.
Also my own destroyers can do some serious damage to the opponent's BC due to the fact that destroyer have better attack so they can actually use the RF and kill 2 BC/round for each destroyer..
That's why I consider that type of fleet worthwhile.
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Post 01 Feb 2007 11:45

As far as I know, RF takes place BEFORE the combat, that means before a single shot is fired. So for instance. If 10 BC meet 70 BS in combat, there's no combat as BS get slaughtered via RF (being the only target available)
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Post 01 Feb 2007 12:05

The BC has a major weakness that 90% players never bothered to check: low attack. This means it may not be able to kill 1BS in 1 shot. If it doesn't than RF is futile.
Of course, like the big bad rip, the BC is pretty hard to predict. But this ship isn't the ultimate fleet killer as some may have expected. See below:

10BC vs 70BS:

14/15/14 for both players:

Result Average: 1.61, Maximum: 2 round(s)
0 wins attacker, 100 wins defender, 0 draws
Debris 122.805 ( 41 % ) Metal, 130.935 ( 33 % ) Crystal ~ 13 Recycler
Losses attacker 300.000 Metal, 400.000 Crystal, 150.000 Deuterium
Losses defender 109.350 Metal, 36.450 Crystal, 0 Deuterium
Moonchance The chance of creating a moon is 2 %.

14/15/14 vs 12/12/12

Result Average: 1.79, Maximum: 2 round(s)
0 wins attacker, 100 wins defender, 0 draws
Debris 129.420 ( 43 % ) Metal, 133.140 ( 33 % ) Crystal ~ 14 Recycler
Losses attacker 300.000 Metal, 400.000 Crystal, 150.000 Deuterium
Losses defender 131.400 Metal, 43.800 Crystal, 0 Deuterium
Moonchance The chance of creating a moon is 2 %.

14/15/14 vs 9/9/9
Result Average: 1.94, Maximum: 2 round(s)
0 wins attacker, 100 wins defender, 0 draws
Debris 150.210 ( 50 % ) Metal, 140.070 ( 35 % ) Crystal ~ 15 Recycler
Losses attacker 300.000 Metal, 400.000 Crystal, 150.000 Deuterium
Losses defender 200.700 Metal, 66.900 Crystal, 0 Deuterium
Moonchance The chance of creating a moon is 2 %.

30BC vs 70BS:

15/14/15 vs 15/14/15

Result Average: 3.7, Maximum: 6 round(s)
77 wins attacker, 20 wins defender, 3 draws
Debris 1.137.105 ( 159 % ) Metal, 593.415 ( 62 % ) Crystal ~ 87 Recycler
Losses attacker 714.600 Metal, 952.800 Crystal, 357.300 Deuterium
Losses defender 3.075.750 Metal, 1.025.250 Crystal, 0 Deuterium
Moonchance The chance of creating a moon is 17 %.

15/14/15 vs 9/9/9

Result Average: 2.92, Maximum: 4 round(s)
100 wins attacker, 0 wins defender, 0 draws
Debris 1.048.950 ( 303 % ) Metal, 453.600 ( 98 % ) Crystal ~ 76 Recycler
Losses attacker 346.500 Metal, 462.000 Crystal, 173.250 Deuterium
Losses defender 3.150.000 Metal, 1.050.000 Crystal, 0 Deuterium
Moonchance The chance of creating a moon is 15 %.
Former Ogame Player | Over 400 hofs, at least 10 top10 hits and so on | None of those in u18

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SpaceFed 1st Lieutenent
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Post 01 Feb 2007 16:59

ThE)MaFiA wrote:As far as I know, RF takes place BEFORE the combat, that means before a single shot is fired. So for instance. If 10 BC meet 70 BS in combat, there's no combat as BS get slaughtered via RF (being the only target available)

see thats what i used to think too but RF works like this

100 / x = y
100 - y = z%

where x is the RF a ship has agains another and z is the % chance it has to fire again if it hits a ship it has RF against

so lets look at the BC and the BS

BC has a RF of 7 against BS so x = 7
100/7 = 14
100 - 14 = 86%

so if a BC fires at a BS (remember at the beginning of the round each chip chooses a random target) it then has an 86% chance to fire again at another random target. could be another BS it hits if this is the case it repeats itself if it hits say a lf then it ends as it has no RF vs lf.

no just because it hits a BS doesnt mean it will destroy it because for a ship to be destroyed it has to take at least 30% of its hull strenght in damage. (where hull strength is divided by 10)

so lets stick with the BC vs BS example

a BC hit a BS now a BC has an attaxk power of 700 (no techs) the BS has a sheild of 200 and hull strenght of 6000 (60000/10)
so you subtract the sheild strength from the attack power. then you subtract the remaining attack power from the hull strength.
so 700 - 200 = 500
6000-500 = 5000 now to calculate the percent damage the BS has taken (remember it has to be over 30% for the BS to have a chance to be lost ie. X >= 30, have an X% chance to blow up)
so 500/6000 = 8.3 %
so a BC would have to hit a BS 4 times to have a chance to take it out (8 x 4 = 36% chance the BS is lost)
so remember the BC has RF against HF, CR and BS so if you dont have enough lf as fodder there is a geater chance that when a BC uses its RF because if it hits a BS it has an 86% chance to fire again and if it hits a Cr of HF it has a 75% chance to fire again. not if you have a lot of lf (or other ships the BC doesnt have RF against) the the chance it will hit a HF, CR or BS is much less so it will be less effective.



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Post 01 Feb 2007 18:34

Damn then this means that BC has no real values ...
Hmm well what i like about version 75 is the reduced crystal cost for b ships :)
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Post 04 Feb 2007 05:05

Rapidfire against Ion Cannon: 100

That is from R I P
SO that means it has 0 % chance after hitting an ion to attack again??:S:S
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SpaceFed 1st Lieutenent
SpaceFed 1st Lieutenent

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Post 05 Feb 2007 16:44

100/100 = 1
100-1 = 99%
it has a 99% chance off fireing again if it hits an ion cannon

and the BC is very useful because it has such a high RF vs BS it tends to take out quite a few. and it also has RF vs HF and CR



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Post 05 Feb 2007 18:30

ah ok
and BC has RF angaisn SC and LC
Um mm i was wondering who of you guys uses firefox coz i want to know how grease monkey works
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