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New Ship: Battlecruiser's Discussion




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Post 22 Jan 2007 21:39

New Ship: Battlecruiser's Discussion

its still in the air at the mo but i got this info from my alliance mates in uni 9 and 23... just for info :)

to all fleeters out there,
it came to my attention that probably this week we will have a new ship in ogame and some changes to rf of hf and cr against lf. the new ship will be counter-bs.
i suggest the freezing of all fleet production for some days until all the new changes are applied into the software.
i give 90% probability to my insider :p
it's just a hint don't blame me if nothing happens..


some infos about the new counter-bs ship
probe 5
sats 5
sc 3
lc 3
hf 5
cr 5
bs 10

RapidFire -
Dest. 2
Deatstar 15

shield 400
attack 500
cargo 750
speed 8000
fuel 250

and it will need:
hyper tech 5
hyper drive 5
laser 12
shipyard 8

the cost will be around 30k metal - 40k crys - 15k deut.

dont know if you guys want to confirm this from some of the GO's here :D


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Post 22 Jan 2007 21:43

This sounds pretty interesting... might change completely the balance of the game.
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Post 22 Jan 2007 22:32

Yes Marko, and I will wait an build my mines to meet this new ship before I start my Fleet rebuild



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Post 23 Jan 2007 00:30

LOl yes a new ship! it wil defently change the game...good thing I have 15mil spare resources waiting to be built! once..im outta v-mode that is.


Post 23 Jan 2007 04:00

Question is, would this new ship be implemented in New Universes, or all of them?

And it looks alright.


Post 23 Jan 2007 14:00

It's being called the Interceptor and it should go into all universes. Just like the bomber did :)


Post 28 Jan 2007 08:31

cant wait to see that thing in action


Post 31 Jan 2007 05:55

So is anyone dreading the aspect of major fleet restructuring due to the implementation of the new...


"BattleCruiser" <---Terrible name! :twisted:


Post 31 Jan 2007 07:03

Th2)WhatItDo said:
"BattleCruiser" <---Terrible name!

couldnt agree more...

what happned to the "The Intercepter"... that would have sounded alot better:d


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Post 31 Jan 2007 12:17

Battlecruiser (1 available) The Battlecruiser is highly specialized in the interception of hostile fleets. Requirements: Metal: 30.000 Crystal: 40.000 Deuterium: 15.000 Construction Time: 1m 52s
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Post 31 Jan 2007 13:05

you have nanite level 6!?


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Post 31 Jan 2007 13:32

Th2)Sobek wrote:you have nanite level 6!?

In uni7 yes. I built the BC there.
I have weapon 13 building here so I can't build BC yet. Here i have a damned lev 2 nanite and it takes 25 days to rebuild my wrecked fleet... :x
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Post 31 Jan 2007 17:26

only 2!? even i have 3 ^_^


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Post 31 Jan 2007 17:52

Yep. That's what happens when you play sloppy for 3-4 months. I have a lev 3 building in G7 and lev 4 will follow there.
But until then I'll rebuild the fleet with the lev 2 nanite in g1.
(i have lev 3 nanite in uni23... :o )
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you're on 24/7 and know everything...
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Post 01 Feb 2007 04:38

so it obvious this ship will change how people will build fleets but what kind of ratios are you guys thinking?

i have played around with some fleet ratio and the one i think is a good all around fleet would be

15 LF / 5 HF / 3 CR / 1 BS / 2 BC
15 LF / 5 HF / 5 CR / 2 BS / 2 BC

what are your thoughts

i added more lf to my old ratio to comensate for the RF change to cru and because they mess up the BC RF vs BS, CR and HF. i also kept BS around because of their high fire power. still not sure about the # of crusiers because im concerned that many people will abondon lf because of the RF increase (personally i think this is a bad idea) and adding too many unneeded cru could increase the chance of BC fireing again (RF) so im going to wait to make a direct decision till i see what other people do with their fleets.

any one elses thoughts

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