A Planned Full-Scale Retaliation on WZ/URF
Somebody says this game should be played 'for profit', but I think different. Profit is only a mean to achieve several goals, one of which in my case is Revenge. Days ago, after Drakonid's many defence bashes to Neo, he decided to retaliate to me by random shooting me with 10 IPMs:
11-22 01:43:31 Neo no subjectanswer
thank drakonid for that!
11-22 01:39:46 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet L U S T hit!
Light Laser 100( -57 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -0 )
11-22 01:39:25 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet J E A L O U S Y hit!
Light Laser 100( -57 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -0 )
11-22 01:39:01 Fleet command Missile Attack
2 Missiles from planet peaceful intentions on your planet E N V Y hit!
Light Laser 101( -101 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -1 )
11-22 01:38:32 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet W R A T H hit!
Light Laser 100( -57 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -0 )
Interplanetary Missiles 19( -0 )
11-22 01:38:13 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet P R I D E hit!
Light Laser 100( -57 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -0 )
11-22 01:37:43 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet A N G E R hit!
Light Laser 100( -57 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -0 )
11-22 01:43:31 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet W R A T H hit!
Light Laser 43( -43 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -1 )
Interplanetary Missiles 19( -0 )
11-22 01:43:07 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet P R I D E hit!
Light Laser 43( -43 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -1 )
11-22 01:42:48 Fleet command Missile Attack
A missile from planet peaceful intentions on your planet A N G E R hit!
Light Laser 43( -43 ) Small Shield Dome 1( -1 )
Now, since I don't like to be intimidated and I also wanted to show them that I like to do things with style I did as follow:
In 24 hours I built up, on all my six colonies Missile Silo LvL 2 stocked with 20 ABM to avoid further retaliations. First, I funded myself profiting the hell out of my favourite farm as previously displayed here.
In 48 hours I built up, on all my six colonies Missile Silo LvL 4 stocked with 10 IPMs, for a grand total of 70 IPMs in total. Also, I called my Deuterium Merchants and bought 2 Millions Deuterium.
Fire at Will.
Nuclear Assault on planet:
Mafia fired 45 Interplanetary Missiles costing 562'500 metal, 112'500 crystal, and 450'000 deut
Defender: KireKun (WZ)
Rocket Launcher - 53
Light Laser - 922
Gauss Cannon - 4
Ion Cannon - 32
Plasma Turret - 9
Small Shield Dome - 1
Anti-Ballistic Missiles - 30
Defender: KireKun (WZ)
Rocket Launcher - 53
Light Laser - 260
Gauss Cannon - 1
Ion Cannon - 32
After attack:
The attackers have paid 562'500 metal, 112'500 crystal, and 450'000 deut
The defender has lost 1'753'000 metal, 836'000 crystal, and 336'000 deut
At 11-24 12:14:58 the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker: M A F I A (SpaceFed)
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Defender: kirekun (WZ)
Weapons: 100% Shields: 90% Armour: 90%
Sol. Sat...31
Ion C....32
-- The expression coup de grâce (French: "blow of mercy") means a death blow intended to end the suffering of a wounded creature. It is often used figuratively to describe the last of a series of events which brings about the end of some entity. --
Attacker: M A F I A (SpaceFed)
Battleship...125 (lost: 0)
Defender: kirekun (WZ)
The attacker has won the battle!
He captured
68.458 metal 39.745 crystal and 11.586 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
The defender lost a total of 1.360.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 54.000 metal and 78.900 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created is 1 %
Your 10 Recycler(s) (with a total cargo capacity of 200.000) have arrived at the target debries field composed of 54.000 Metal and 79.800 Crystal.
You have harvested 54.000 Metal and 79.800 Crystal.
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 252.689
Defender lost: 1.360.000
Total Damage: 1.360.000
Message to Kirekun wrote:Thank Neo, RigBlaster and Fila for that!
This RigBlaster (WZ) last night was constantly spying me, my guess is that he was trying to figure out my online times to allow his friend to bash a few cargos of myself. Also he was pestering Grandan, a guy with 12k points that is in one of our wings. I didn't appreciate that as well, so I targeted two planets of him in my area and sent 5 Groups of 25 Battleships on both planets, to zero his defences and kill anything on the surface.
At 11-24 10:21:39 the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker: M A F I A (SpaceFed)
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Defender: RigBlaster (WZ)
Weapons: 90% Shields: 90% Armour: 90%
-- This for having bothered me. --
Attacker: M A F I A (SpaceFed)
Battleship...25 (lost: 0)
Defender: RigBlaster (WZ)
The attacker has won the battle!
He captured
11.513 metal 21.603 crystal and 4.383 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
The defender lost a total of 298.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 21.000 metal and 12.600 crystal.
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 71.099
Defender lost: 298.000
Total Damage: 298.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 26.315
Defender lost: 117.000
Total Damage: 117.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 13.177
Defender lost: 103.000
Total Damage: 103.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 6.615
Defender lost: 79.000
Total Damage: 79.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 3.325
Defender lost: 51.000
Total Damage: 51.000
At 11-24 10:22:50 the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker: M A F I A (SpaceFed)
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Defender: RigBlaster (WZ)
Weapons: 90% Shields: 90% Armour: 90%
Ion C....2
-- And this for thinking you would get away with that. --
Attacker: M A F I A (SpaceFed)
Battleship...25 (lost: 0)
Defender: RigBlaster (WZ)
The attacker has won the battle!
He captured
9.998 metal 4.328 crystal and 1.870 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
The defender lost a total of 167.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 0 metal and 13.200 crystal.
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 29.396
Defender lost: 167.000
Total Damage: 167.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 8.492
Defender lost: 54.000
Total Damage: 54.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 4.274
Defender lost: 34.000
Total Damage: 34.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 2.170
Defender lost: 24.000
Total Damage: 24.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 1.130
Defender lost: 10.000
Total Damage: 10.000
Message to RigBlaster wrote:This is so you learn:
A) Never spy on me.
B) Don't beat Wingers with 12k score such as Grandan.
Since I wasn't satisfied yet, I picked another enemy target, that dared to post some crap on a HoF he did NOT score:
a URF Turtle leaving a few systems away from my HomeLand. So I launched 5 Groups of 60 Bombers aimed to Turtle-Land.
At 11-24 13:12:03 the following fleets met in battle:
Attacker: M A F I A
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Defender: nightstalker1684
Weapons: 80% Shields: 70% Armour: 80%
R.Launcher...631 (-547)
L.Laser...317 (-253)
H.Laser...22 (-10)
Ion C....19 (-8)
S.Dome...1 (-1)
Attacker: M A F I A
L.Cargo...0 (lost: 1)
Bomber...60 (lost: 0)
Defender: nightstalker1684
The attacker has won the battle!
He captured
10.000 metal 5.701 crystal and 14.298 deuterium
The attacker lost a total of 12.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 2.244.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 1.800 metal and 1.800 crystal.
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 21.599
Defender lost: 2.244.000
Total Damage: 2.256.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 22.207
Defender lost: 1.506.000
Total Damage: 1.506.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 11.121
Defender lost: 994.000
Total Damage: 994.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker lost: 2.818
Defender lost: 732.000
Total Damage: 744.000
-- Battle Result --
Attacker gain: 2.840
Defender lost: 524.000
Total Damage: 524.000
My Message to NightStalker1964 wrote:This is for posting non-sense in CAPS on a HoF you did NOT score. And for belonging to URF.
Kirekun (WZ)
Total Damage:
RigBlaster (WZ)
Total Damage:
NightStalker1964 (URF)
Total Damage:
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