(HoF 20% TD: 190.166 K) - Mr.GoodCat +1 vs Kfysio
It was very hard to catch him..very-very-very...but we did it!
I am filled up with emotions...all DF is ours!
Attacker: M r G o o d c a t
Weapons: 130% Shields: 120% Hull Plating: 120%
L.Fighter: 12'112
H.Fighter: 34
Cruiser: 550
Battleship: 1'309
Attacker: s t e b 2 3
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Hull Plating: 120%
H.Fighter: 10
Attacker: M r G o o d c a t
Weapons: 130% Shields: 120% Hull Plating: 120%
Esp.Probe: 1
Attacker: s t e b 2 3
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Hull Plating: 120%
L.Fighter: 5'020
Cruiser: 810
Battleship: 1'710
Defender: k f y s i o
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Hull Plating: 110%
S.Cargo: 68
L.Cargo: 50
L.Fighter: 7'021
Cruiser: 760
Battleship: 1'503
Col. Ship: 1
Recy.: 750
Esp.Probe: 100
Bomber: 60
Sol. Sat: 7
R.Launcher: 6
L.Laser: 1
Attacker: M r G o o d c a t
L.Fighter: 7'249
H.Fighter: 23
Cruiser: 474
Battleship: 1'299
Attacker: s t e b 2 3
H.Fighter: 10
Attacker: M r G o o d c a t
Esp.Probe: 1
Attacker: s t e b 2 3
L.Fighter: 3'012
Cruiser: 692
Battleship: 1'703
Defender: k f y s i o
C a p t u r e
Metal: 977
Crystal: 583'396
Deuterium: 1'100'145
Attacker Losses: 33'852'000
Defender Losses: 156'314'000
Debris: 39'770'400 Metal & 17'275'200 Crystal.
Moonchance: 20 %
The enormous amounts of debris slowly drift together forming a lunar sattelite in the orbit of the planet.