So I was at a friends and they're like 'i have photoshop' and i was all 'can i use it?' and they're like 'sure'. Than it took me FOR FUCKING EVER to reformat.
So I made these two, what ya'll think?
Also Keld, my previous leader, made my Signature.
Last edited by ThE)Calagram(U18) on 05 Sep 2006 18:21, edited 1 time in total.
Cool works buddy, you should try some more elaborate fonts though.
The King Can Do No Wrong. Peppe dice che Blackberry fa schifo, e che Android fa schifo ma per anni... Peppe è stato un felice possessore di Blackberry Torch 9800. Peppe è stato un felice possessore di Samsung Galaxy S III.
ThE)Rain wrote:Ora scusate ma il romano fancazzista e nulla facente deve farsi 300 km per lavoro, dopo che se ne è fatti 150 oggi... Di sicuro un padano ne farebbe 500 ma io essendo un porco posso permettermi solo questo.
Try some different fonts ( you should check out at )
Also, try to elaborate your signatures, what version of photoshop you have?CS2?
There are a lot of settings and customizing effects you can apply to your signatures, and of course, get some brushes or make your own. I'll upload some signatures i made later.
ThE)Calagram(U18) wrote:that's just the thing. i dont use photoshop or paint =)
Get it then
The King Can Do No Wrong. Peppe dice che Blackberry fa schifo, e che Android fa schifo ma per anni... Peppe è stato un felice possessore di Blackberry Torch 9800. Peppe è stato un felice possessore di Samsung Galaxy S III.
Ok, these are the things i made, well SOME of the things i have made since 2004 with photoshop. ... ntry131066 Hope you can see it without registering, otherwise, here it is my very last work.
Sat Nov 4 2006 22:27:34 Jalna Sparda Sun Nov 5 2006 22:27:34 non-english message
I just dont know how its possible that someone with English as first language an mothers language, allow himself to be banned for sending non-english messg.
I didt find better place for this one, So here is good