Opinioni degli Esperti Betatester
Posted: 18 May 2010 02:06
http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?to ... sid=5010#1
1Cui ho risposto:
http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?to ... 8&sid=5010
2Cui ho risposto:
http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?to ... 7&sid=5010
nerf mule 17/05/2010 11:36:07 PDT
k thx
k thx
Care to explain your point or shall we take your word upon it Sir?
Roach Unit Suggestion 17/05/2010 16:40:01 PDT
Hey guys, i did some reading earlier today and came across what i think might be a good idea for roaches to solve some of their problems.
I think the roach has to have its build supply increased to 3, but instead of 1 roach hatching from an egg, 2 roaches should hatch, making each roach cost 1.5 supply.
As a result of this I feel that it would be necessary to reduce its damage output by 1/3, and to reduce its health by a little amount, say 20 HP or so, nothing too big there, because i think they are meant to take a bit of damage, to be a cover for the zerglings/banelings while they do their job.
The reason why i am suggesting this is that roaches will then be able to be used at a larger amount early game because they build a lot faster due to 2 popping from one egg, and because of lesser damage and health it would not make it overpowered, thus maintaining the good balance we had before its supply nerf.
This change will also make the zerg feel like its "swarming" units again, which would be, and have always been part of the zerg motto, "quantity over quality".
During end game the roaches will not be as much as they were when their supply was 1, but they will be slightly more than what they are currently in end game, however they will be slightly weaker, meaning they will not be a great problem and hard to counter as stated by blizzard.I am not sure about the unit cost changes, but I feel if the costs would be increased to make 2 roaches in one go, then i suggest that the total cost should be less than twice the current cost for roaches to better balance the damage and health reduction. This suggestion may seem a bit insane, but if this would be implemented, then the roach will feel more zerg-like, it will add more variety to the zerg, and it will solve the massive 2 food increase, but not harm end-game as before. I hope to see what you guys think about this idea!
Awesome, perhaps we could make also that protoss can build a reactor next to the gateway so they could get a double zealot; possibly from an egg, zerg style.
http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?to ... 7&sid=5010
Map Hack sux 17/05/2010 07:13:12 PDT
Pleople allready using it on beta. I have the replay to prove it.
his nickname is *** , played terran and set his reaper waypoint straith on my base without scouting on kulas ravine map. (thats 3 possible spawn locations).
Lucky guess ? i think not