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PostPosted: 12 May 2010 11:57
by M A F I A
That's right, it truly is revolutionary, we've all come to know that Blizzard messed up big time with the original

The service has been a major embarassment for Blizzard, who doesn't remember atrocities in Brood War such as:

Watching Replays with other people. (Honestly Blizzard, what were you thinking?)
Having conversations with other patrons of the community. (I'd rather talk to my former High School classmates, because they're sure to have a deep understanding for the game)
Playing with American friends. (Because we all know 'mericans shouldn't converse with socialist Europe)

What Blizzard should have done with BW is the following

We should have had achievements. Something like, winning 50 Big Game Hunters, because that's what the game is all about?
In Warcraft 3 they had portraits, this was terrible, because the portraits weren't secret, i don't want random people to see my portraits, especially not when they're facing me. BW should have had secret portraits.
MySpace integration, because we all know that social networks are 4evah, and your friends need to keep an eye on your daily 12-hour gaming.
A secret part of your nick. Honestly, i hated people being able to send me messages, didn't you?

BW was a huge fiasco with those idiotic features, i'm glad to see you learned your lesson and improved Bnet 2.0!

I'm glad being 'always connected'... To my own profile..

Original Link

Re: B-net + Facebook

PostPosted: 12 May 2010 12:36
by tosS
che merda..

Re: B-net + Facebook

PostPosted: 12 May 2010 12:37
by Android
Brilliant questo post

Re: B-net + Facebook

PostPosted: 12 May 2010 13:29
by Vlandmist
ahahahahahaha fantastico

Re: B-net + Facebook

PostPosted: 12 May 2010 13:34
by NeMeSyS
Ma dite che ci sia una qualche possibilità che ammettano di avere fatto un errore e fare un passo indietro rimettendo le chat pubbliche?

Re: B-net + Facebook

PostPosted: 13 May 2010 13:10
by Android
I would add in bw:
Say hello and goodbye to ALL your friends with a simple command? (Cmon, what were you thinking? There is no need to introduce yourelf or even talk with your friends if you don't throw a party first) and thanks for making the starcraft II bar usefull, finally, now I would never get bored anymore watching all the glowing window chat down there, I am still waiting that you add the nudge function, a feature that will be amazing!
Thanks blizzard that you made private chat windows instead of "whispers" (we all know that whispering in someone's ear its absolutly wrong)

Re: B-netbook

PostPosted: 13 May 2010 17:00
by ThE)AlieN
Ma io mi chiedo, il bnet 2 che abbiamo in questa beta è così perchè è beta o dobbiamo aspettarcelo così anche nella release? così fa veramente schifo, ma che costava buffare un po il di w3? era perfetto, chat pubblica, supporto clan con auto login nel channel de clan.. boh ste cose nn le capirò mai..

Thanks blizzard that you made private chat windows instead of "whispers" (we all know that whispering in someone's ear its absolutly wrong)

certo che quando si vedono frasi come questa si spiegano molte cose.. spero che sto tipo sia sarcastico

Re: B-netbook

PostPosted: 13 May 2010 17:13
by ThE)AlieN
Lol ma eri te manu, allora si spiega tutto!!! XD