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Cosa pensano i Cristiani Conservatori Americani di WC3



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Post 20 Feb 2003 02:03

Cosa pensano i Cristiani Conservatori Americani di WC3

Esisteva un link su un sito americano :


Dove si analizzava la violenza di WC3 e il fatto che fosse sconveniente per i bambini, ora il sito è down ma ho cmq trovato alcuni stralci tratti da un forum, ve li quoto as is:

lol, that was one of the most dumbest things i've read in a long time... for example:
"When you attack and kill an enemy character, they scream out and die. A few creatures actually split apart when they are killed. When they die, blood pools around their skeletal remains. In a large battle, the battlefield can become very bloody."

"One character in this game has his soul ripped from his body and put into a mystical sword. The undead race possesses many abilities relating to reanimating the dead. Necromancers can resurrect skeletons from dead enemy creatures. Human priests can heal people with some divine magic. Other magical beings can call down curses upon enemy units, which make them less effective in battle. The leader of the burning legion and some of his subordinates look like demonic creatures. And the night elves worship Mother Earth and the goddess. Mother Earth is presented as a spirit that actually exists. "

Besides the excessive violence, there are also many mystical elements of this game that are not acceptable. Please read in that section below for details.

There are several times in the campaign missions when characters will use the word "damn" and there are a few instances that the word "hell" was used, and there is also one instance of the word "bastard" being used. All of these words were spoken in a heightened sense of agitation.

There are a few female characters in this game that wear somewhat revealing attire; however, no sexual overtures are ever made.

One character in this game has his soul ripped from his body and put into a mystical sword. The undead race possesses many abilities relating to reanimating the dead. Necromancers can resurrect skeletons from dead enemy creatures. Human priests can heal people with some divine magic. Other magical beings can call down curses upon enemy units, which make them less effective in battle. The leader of the burning legion and some of his subordinates look like demonic creatures. And the night elves worship Mother Earth and the goddess. Mother Earth is presented as a spirit that actually exists.

Warcraft III is another one of those strategy games that incorporates much mystical/occult elements into itself. And, unlike many strategy games, this one is actually quite violent. One positive note for the game is that the player must learn how to effectively build a thriving base, establish adequate defenses, and engage in successfully offensive strikes all at around the same time.

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos receives a 54% (F) [See Rating Definitions] for many different occultic and mystical powers that are presented as real, a great amount of violence, and a few mild profanities.

90-100% (A) These games are free of virtually all violence, language, sexual, and occult content or material. They also contain Biblical material and/or educational material.
Example: Civilization III

80-89% (B) These games contain little violence, language, sexual, and occult material. Generally, these games will only contain a small amount of one of the above categories.
Example: Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds

70-79% © These games contain a moderate amount of violence, language, sexual, and/or occult material. There is little or no blood in these games and all the other elements, such as language, are minimal.
Example: Tribes 2

60-69% (D) These games possibly contain: violence with blood, some foul language, an extent of sexual content, and/or a small amount of occult content. These games are borderline approval for the mature player. Careful screening is strongly recommended.
Example: The Operative: No One Lives Forever

50-59% (F) These games can't be recommend for anyone and they contain: violence with blood and possibly gore, foul language, sexual content, and/or occult content. Generally, most games in this grouping contain a large abundance of violence with blood and gore, but with little of the other categories.
Example: Unreal Tournament

40-49% (F)These games contain a greater abundance of blood and gore in the violence, more foul language, increased sexual content, and/or more prominent occult content.
Example: Max Payne

30-39% (F) These games contain an extreme amount of violence with blood and gore, extreme amount of foul language, more sexual content, and a very prominent amount of occult content. Usually games in this region are more focused on the grotesque violence and occult than sexuality.
Example: Return to Castle Wolfenstein

20-29% (F) These games will always contain an extreme amount of violence: much foul language, quite a bit of sexual content, and much occult content. The only game that has gotten this rating so far is Diablo, which contained quite a bit of violence and an extreme amount of occult material.

10-19% (F)These games will be more severe then the 20's level, which entails having more violence, language, sexual content, and occult content. Again, the only game reviewed this low was Diablo II, which contained more violence than the original and quite a bit more occult material.

0-9% (F) Games in this category are the worst possible games that can be imagined, containing an unbelieveable amount of violence, language, sexual content, and/or occult content.

There are a few female characters in this game that wear somewhat revealing attire; however, no sexual overtures are ever made. "

I take it they never heard the dryad's human call

Too conservative, I say. The violence part was just ghey.
When you attack and kill an enemy character, they scream out and die. A few creatures actually split apart when they are killed.

Were they expecting they laugh and POOF! magically disappear? I would the alternative would be extremely disturbing.

When they die, blood pools around their skeletal remains. In a large battle, the battlefield can become very bloody.

And hence the reason it's called a BATTLEfield.

One of the units of the Undead Scourge can actually cannibalize dead enemy corpses to gain vitality. Another unit of this same group, the abomination, actually has part of its flesh exposed, which vaguely shows some internal organs.

They're Undead, what do you expect? How would you look if you were decomposing for while?


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Post 20 Feb 2003 09:49

MALATTTIIIIIII :razz: :mrgreen:



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Post 20 Feb 2003 16:53

il mondo è bello perke ci sono persone cosi di cui ridere!
la stupidita umana non ha confini 8) 8)
da oggi abbracciero la fede nella Mother Earth! :?

la mia vita per nerzul!


<center>Avril ThE)BEsT FuCk the ReSt!</center>



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Post 20 Feb 2003 17:10

ahahahahah :) ci sono ancora persone così nel terzo millennio??
Mi fanno pena.... :wink: :|
Meglio regnare all' inferno che servire in paradiso.


Drizzt Do'Urden


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Post 21 Feb 2003 13:28

There are a few female characters in this game that wear somewhat revealing attire; however, no sexual overtures are ever made. "

I take it they never heard the dryad's human call

Jaina che sul monitor appare alta 2 cm, porta un top e lascia scoperto un peccaminoso pancino poligonale e squadrato.

Andate subito a farvi il bagno nell'acqua santa peccatori!!! e date fuoco alla vostra copia di w3!!! Io vi scomunico tutti!!!

Incredibile esiste ancora l'inquisizione. Penso che i primi maniaci siano proprio quelli che vanno a pensare queste cose


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Post 21 Feb 2003 14:42

:o Ma per essere così bigotti bisogna seguire una scuola? :?:



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