Mafia Celebrates... Cruisers's Day + Humour on URFs
In the latest 24 hours I managed to build 500 Cruisers, entirely paid by nearby noobs in galaxy 1, basically I'm studying hard for an exam, this allowed me to get online every 3 hours, spend 5 mins spying around and filling my 13 fleetslots, rinse and repeat for most of my wake time while still dedicating to my good-ole-books. I thought I would celebrate with a "picture".[/center]
Some Complaining n00b wrote:Lord Almighty 1 [1:445:7] WHY DID YOU ATTACK ME?
M A F I A [1:461:11] You named your moon in Vlandmist, I couldn't stand this insult to me.
M A F I A [1:461:11] I am pleased now. I will not attack you.
Lord Almighty 1 [1:445:7] Thank you a thousand praises
[center]as a result of this:
Some More wrote:Profire [1:476:11] fuck you !!! i hate you
M A F I A [1:461:11] Why, what did I do to you?
Profire [1:476:11] Profire [1:476:11] my planet is empty and zou send 100 batlship to my 3 batl and 14 cruiser this is not fair :´(