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Universe 23



Post 26 Dec 2006 21:28

Universe 23

I've noticed that there are some players also playing Universe 23. Would you mind providing your in game names etc so that the rest of us know who/where you are if we need some help and also to possibly prevent us from attacking each other.

My in game name there is project mayhem and I have a moon in 3:97 with a level 3 phalanx. I reside in the BIA alliance.


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Post 26 Dec 2006 21:46

I'm MotanuD (same ingame nick as here) and I'm BASIS. 4:242 is where I have a moon.
I also have some friends in Sun Tzu and I know you're at war with them or something like that. :P
Former Ogame Player | Over 400 hofs, at least 10 top10 hits and so on | None of those in u18

~Persephone~ says:
you're on 24/7 and know everything...
~Persephone~ says:
...are you god? XD



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Joined: 19 Nov 2006 23:44

Post 26 Dec 2006 22:20

well mine is Mark_g and I am in URf...

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