SpaceFed Ranked 5th
I wanted to congratulate with everybody, thanks to your war efforts, HoFs and hard work we are currently ranked FIFTH on uni18, this is the best result SpaceFed acquired EVER. Congratulations.
A special mention to the many 'new entries' that eager to prove their loyalty brought astounding results for our alliance, also some old acquaintances of SpaceFeds proved to be ruthless in war time and are worth to be commended.
You are doing an excellent job.
I am proud of you.
I wanted to congratulate with everybody, thanks to your war efforts, HoFs and hard work we are currently ranked FIFTH on uni18, this is the best result SpaceFed acquired EVER. Congratulations.
A special mention to the many 'new entries' that eager to prove their loyalty brought astounding results for our alliance, also some old acquaintances of SpaceFeds proved to be ruthless in war time and are worth to be commended.
You are doing an excellent job.
I am proud of you.