Post 28 Jan 2006 10:30

I find topic about new ships sugesstion and get idea.

Some guy started topic about very fast espionage ship with big cargo. People was posting why is that ship good or bad for ogame.

This is link to Ogame forum tread to have idea about this ship:

[align=center] [/align]

Generaly all liked this new idea, but I find difrent use for him. I postid in Ogame forum, but I want to post it here too.

I will be happy if MAFIA read about this Trade idea of mine, and give hos point of view like editor. Others r free to give ideas and work out details.

Only thing I dont like in Ogame is that you have traid but far away from raids, fleetsave and all other things we do playing it. There is small focus on Trade as patr of game.

GOOD IDEA for ship, bad purpose.

This should be active trade ship, very very fast with 0 attack, small hull

Cargo space 25000 as LC

Speed as spy probes (very fast)

[COLOR=crimson]Fuel spending twice as spy probe or fixed so all players have same start. Like when you open galaxy view, we all lost 10 D.

only 1 Option for fleet save (it is non attack, non spy, TRANSPORT)

NO transport  of RU option within your planets and any other player. ONLY from you to Trade Universe you can send RU.

You can fleetsave by sending fast TC empty to your or ally planet.

price: as 2 LC ( you build few of them ) for trade only, and than you will have real trade in all univers.

People hate to trade if they dont have choice. How many times you read I sell this or that, and you go away from trade because you think, I have to PM, to get response, and to send cargo's I could use in raid, or just to follow your fleet with deut etc.

This new very fast  ship should work on next principle.


We have allready Trade Universe's 1.......14 (T.U. in followed text) RU is for resources

TRADE UNIVERSE - should be 1 planet enywhere in uni with known coords. storage space

Trade Uni. will set trade rates on demand and search free market, and calculate cargos, or Player has option to set trade rates him self.

step 1. You post ad: x:xxx:xxx sell's 500K Crystal and 200K Deut for METAL or every player has his space to put n/a of RU  when he create account.

step 2. Amount of 500K Cry. and 200K Deut. is taken from your storages when you deliver goods with TC (Traiding Cargo), same thing like you send LC to trade or transport

T.U. gives you ID number, and space to store this RU (Like P.O.Box) View like galaxy only name of seller,his ID number and amount of goods, just an simple list

step 3. You sit back and wait.

I as buyer see your amount of your goods, but I have only 300k of metal to trade.

step 4. I PM T.U. what I want to buy, and what I'm selling. Than I send My TC with 300K M to T.U. on x:xxx:xxx to your P.O.Box

I deliver 300K M, and asked to fill my cargo with Crystal or Deut. equal to 300K, it will be auto adjustable.

So if trade rate is 3:2:1 and I need primarly 50K D & rest of Metal to trade for Crystal, you just click max in TC >Recources>crystal>max and auto fill 75K C

step 5. I go home happy, and you have 300 M 425 C and 150 D left on T.U.

You just send fast TC to collect NEW metal or leave it for future sale if you dont need it (BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO ADD THIS NEW METAL TO YOUR TRADING AD).

If somebody thinks that he can use Trade Universe as raid safe storage place he is wrong. When you put ad that you sell something you cant remove ad 48 or 72 hours from delivering, and you will have to withdrow your selling ad.

To explain step 1. You want to trick attacker, and send your RU to T.U. !!! It can not be done without PM to T.U. to report in advance what you r transporting. And new thing about this very fast ship is there is no recall fleet button.

If you dont deliver it you pay penalty.

if you fleetsave RU from raid, and deliver it to Trade Uni. and somebody pm to T.U. that he want's to trade, and in meanwhile you remove RU from T.U. you pay penalty with that amount of RU you was traying to save from someone's raid.

There will be central storage place for impounded RU's, with smaller rates or maybe to be equaly distributed among all players. There is no need of ban or something barbaric like that for punish.

You will be allowed to take only NEW Metal amount if you want. Shure you will be able to wait all of your RU to be sold and than to collect all metal, or if in hurry give lower rates to sell fast.