[Tot.Damage 7.883.000] ScottKBUF vs. zooburix
Attacker zooburix [x:xxx:xx]
B.Ship 120
Defender ScottKBUF [x:xxx:xx]
L.Fighter 175
B.Ship 41
Miss. 125
S.Laser 45
Gauss 8
Ion.C 9
S.Dome 1
Witty Comment
Attacker zooburix [x:xxx:xx]
B.Ship 8
Defender ScottKBUF [x:xxx:xx]
L.Fighter 14
B.Ship 41
Miss. 10
S.Laser 4
Gauss 3
Ion.C 5
S.Dome 1
The combat ends in a draw - both remaining fleets return back to their home-planets.
The attacker has lost a total of 6.720.000 Units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.163.000 Units.
At these space coordinates now float 1.488.900 Metal and 720300 Crystal.
The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 20 %
The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet.
89 Missile Launcher, 30 Small Laser, 4 Ion Cannon, 4 Gauss Cannon could be repaired.
-----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
I have no idea what this guy was thinking...but I love it. [/align]