Multi-Ethnic Gaming Culture (Warhammer meets Ogame)
Yesterday I witnessed in channel a funny conversation, Zyndikate of the Warhammer Division started talking to Xenocider of the Ogame Division, everyone was talking about the game he plays, and none of them realized until 10 minutes later they were talking about a different game, as soon as they did they both wished good luck to each other and dropped the conversation. This was fun.
(ThE|Zyndicate) omg, tac-flamers vs IG is the way
(ThE|Xenocider) ?
(ThE|Zyndicate) yep :>
(ThE|Zyndicate) tactical-flamers is good vs imba-IG
(ThE|Xenocider) unfortunately im new to the lingo
(ThE|Zyndicate) Spacemarine-squad-flamers :>
(ThE|Zyndicate) vs Imperialguard
(ThE|Xenocider) woot i went up 450 points last night
(ThE|Xenocider) almost in the top 1500 finally
(ThE|Zyndicate) goodie :>
(ThE|Xenocider) yah i kinda feel bad for gettin in while i was only in the top 2000 insted but mafia only changed the rules just after i joined
(ThE|Xenocider) from what i could tell and from what hippie told me that is
(ThE|Zyndicate) rank-points doesnt mather, its the skills that counts :>
(ThE|Xenocider) ah
(ThE|Zyndicate) whats your points?
(ThE|Xenocider) well im not a raider
(ThE|Xenocider) Score 6472 (rank 1664 of 8194)
(ThE|Xenocider) im more of a reseacher / miner
(ThE|Xenocider) already have plasma cannons
(ThE|Zyndicate) ehrm.. what game do you play?
(ThE|Xenocider) ogame
(ThE|Zyndicate) oki, explains alot
(ThE|Zyndicate) im talking about Dawn of war :>
(ThE|Xenocider) lol
(ThE|Xenocider) no wonder i couldnt understand what you were talkin bout lol
(ThE|Xenocider) prob the same thing when istarted spoutin at the mouth
(ThE|Zyndicate) yes :>
(ThE|Xenocider) alright well im goina afk and play FFXI
(ThE|Zyndicate) later
(ThE|Zyndicate) hf
(ThE|Xenocider) ty