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Space Wolfs Table Top. My New Army




Posts: 91

Joined: 02 Dec 2004 12:20

Location: USA Oregon

Post 31 Dec 2004 16:00

Space Wolfs Table Top. My New Army


The Space Wolves are the most barbaric of all the Space Marine Chapters. Their home planet is the harsh ice world known as Fenris, where savage tribes, from which the Space Wolves are recruited, are locked in a continual struggle for existence. Perhaps because of this, the Space Wolves have a proud, headstrong nature which makes them difficult to control or direct. But for all this, the Space Wolves are valorous and noble defenders of the people of the Imperium, and are amongst the bravest and most ferocious warriors.


Of all the Chapter Masters, the most belligerent and headstrong is Logan Grimnar of the Space Wolves. Like his predecessors and his fellow Space Wolves, Logan is a fearsome warrior, with an immense martial pride. He tolerates no interference in the running of the Chapter by any outside authorities, and is more willing than any other Chapter Master to fight for the Space Woves independance.

Wolf Lord Logan Grimnar may be included in your Space Wolves army of 2,000 points or more as an HQ choice.


Ragnar Blackmane is the youngest Wolf Lord in the long and proud history of the Space Wolves. A brilliant if unorthodox commander, he is renowned for always leading from the front. It is said that he is always the first to drop to the planetary surface and always the last to leave the battlefield.

Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane may be included in your Space Wolves army of 1,500 points or more as an HQ choice.


One of the duties of the Wolf Priests of the Space Wolves is the recruitment and training of new Space Marines for the Space Wolves Chapter. In his time, Ulrik has chosen many young heroes and some of the Chapter's greatest warriors of recent times have undergone training and selection in his halls.The Wolf Lords Logan Grimnar and Ragnar Blackmane were themselves mentored by Ulrik.

Wolf Priest Ulrik the Slayer may be included in your Space Wolves army as an HQ choice.


A Rune Priest of the 13th Company must guide his companions through the perils of the Eye of Terror. He has learned how to open small, temporary warp gates, through which he can pass in order to divine the path ahead.

The Rune Priest may be included in your 13th Company Space Wolf army as an HQ choice.


Some Space Wolves Dreadnoughts are incredibly old and at times of great crisis they will be called on to help the Chapter with the wisdom that they have acquired over the millennia. The most mighty of the Chapter's Venerable Dreadnoughts is Bjorn the Fell-Handed, who is so ancient that he knew Leman Russ and saw the Emperor before he was entombed in his Golden Throne.

Space Wolves Dreadnoughts spend most of their time in sleep beneath the Fang and are only awakened when they are needed in battle. During such times, the Iron Priests descend into the crypts and choose the strongest Dreadnought for the coming conflict.

A Venerable Dreadnought may be included in your Space Wolves army as either an HQ or Elite choice.


Where other Chapters have psychic Librarians, the Space Wolves have Rune Priests. These grim warriors have potent psychic powers based upon the native Fenrisian shamanic traditions and are the keepers of the oral history of the Space Wolves Chapter.

A Wolf Priest may be included in your Space Wolves army as an HQ choice.


The Wolf Guard are the bravest warriors of each Great Company - the chosen battle brothers of the Great Company's Wolf Lord. The Wolf Lord favours his chosen battle brothers with gifts such as antique weapons, ornate armour of ancient origin and, most precious of all, immense suits of Terminator armour.

Up to 20 Wolf Guard Space Marines may be included in your Space Wolves army as a bodyguard for a character or as leaders for Space Wolf Packs as a single Elite choice.


Iron Priests are unique to the Space Wolves Chapter but have much in common with the Techmarines of other Chapters. The Iron Priests look after the many technical systems in the Fang, supervising engineering projects and all the other complex technical tasks undertaken every day. The skills of these grim and taciturn artisans are both respected and feared by their fellow Space Wolves, most of whome view the mechanicl arts as a dark and frighteningly arcane science.

An Iron Priest and up to four Servitor Thralls may be included in your Space Wolves army as a single Elite choice.


Wolf Scouts are experienced and ferocious warriors. They are used to scout ahead of the army, to track down or spy on enemy forces and to execute surprise attacks. There have been cases where Space Wolves scouts have operated on their own behind enemy lines for years at a time.

A Wolf Scout Squad may be included in your Space Wolves army as an Elite choice.


Grey Hunter packs form the greater mass of Space Wolves warriors. Grey Hunters are strong and resolute fighters, tempered by battle but as hungry for honour as any proud warrior of Fenris.

At least one Grey Hunter Pack must be included in your Space Wolves army. Each Grey Hunter Pack coutns as a Troops choice.


Young Space Wolves fight in ferocious Blood Claw packs. They are fierce, often foolhardy warriors, eager to prove themselves and earn the respect of their elders. They will take almost any risk to win the fleeting glory that only youth and courage can bring.

A Blood Claws Pack may be included in your Space Wolves army as a Troops choice.


The Long Fangs form a cadre of veterans, hoary with age, proud and wise. They are quite literally endowed with long fangs, for as a Space Wolf grows older, his canines lengthen and his hair grows thick and grey.

A Long Fang Pack may be included in your Space Wolves army as a Heavy Support choice.


The Rhino allows the Space Marines to move swiftly to seize an objective or strike deep into the heart of an enemy force. Certain Space Marine squads (as indicated in their army list entry) can use Rhinos to move rapidly across a battlefield.

A Rhino Transport may be included in your Space Marines/ Witch Hunters/ Daemonhunters army as a transport for Troops.


As a Space Marine initiate completes his training he prepares for battle alongside his brother Space Marines. His first combat experience will be in the Space Marine Scouts, a corps of lightly armed troops whose role is to fight ahead of the main battle lines and clear the way for the Chapter's advance.

The Tenth Company of many Space Marine Chapters maintains a force of bikes. Some are employed to train new recruits who will eventually join bike squadrons as full battle brothers, others are used to provide highly mobile support for Scout squads behind enemy lines.

A Space Marine Scout Bike Squadron may be added to your Space Marine army as a Fast Attack choice.


Attack Bikes often accompany Space Marine Bike squads to provide heavy weapons support. When fielded as squadrons, they are highly mobile units with enough firepower to destroy even the largest enemy units or blow apart tanks with their short-ranged multi-meltas.

Space Marine Attack Bikes Mk. 2 may be added to your Space Marine army as a Fast Attack choice.


The Land Raider is one of the most potent machines of destruction in the Imperium. Space Marines and Space Marine Terminators may use the Land Raider as a transport.

A Space Marine Land Raider may be included in your Space Marines army as a Heavy Support choice.


Pending Looking for Space Wolf information.

Type: Tank          Crew: Space Wolfs

Weapons: The Leman Russ Exterminator is armed with a turret-mounted twin-linked autocannon. In addition, you must also have a hull-mounted weapon at the following additional point cost: Lascannon or Heavy bolter.

The Leman Russ Exterminator may be fitted with tow side sponsons armed with heavy bolters, up to two.

The Leman Russ Exterminator may bew fitted with any vehicle upgrade allowed in the Space Marine Armoury. AKA Bad Ass.



Posts: 91

Joined: 02 Dec 2004 12:20

Location: USA Oregon

Post 31 Dec 2004 16:00

Troop Roster Soon

Space Wolf Army Cost
Standard Mission Build

Wolf Lord 75
Frost Axe 20
terminator armor 15
storm bolter 5
wolf pelt 3
fenrisian wolf 12
Frag Grenade 1

Wolf Guard bodyguard 25
power weapon 10
combi melta-bolter 10

10 Grey Hunters 170
1 flamer 6
8 bolters 8

1 WolfGuard 30
terminator armor 5
storm bolter 3
power weapon 10

10 Blood Claws 140
1 flamer 6
2 power weapons 16

1 WolfGuard 30
combi bolter-flamer 5
storm shield 5
thunder hammer 20
wolf pelt 3
wolf-tooth neclace 10

10 Grey Hunters 170
1 flamer 6

1 WolfGuard 30
terminator armor 5
storm bolter 3
power weapon 10

4 Wolf Scouts 56
2 sniper rifles 10
melta-gun 10
bolter 0
Metlabombs 16

Elite [3]
Wolf Guard 30
mark of the wulfen 10
Frag Grenade 1

Fast Attack[3]

Heavy Support[3]

Total Points= 1000
Points Left= 0

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