03 Jul 2004 20:45 by M A F I A
Questo lo ha pastato prima Motig in IRC, mi ha fatto ridere, e un bel po.
* Eve has joined #Eden
<Adam|zZz> w00t!!1
* Adam|zZz is now known as Adam
<Adam> ASL?
<Eve> newborn, female, eden!
<Adam> omg! me too, but male
<Eve> omfg! you're nekkid!
<Adam> so what! your too!
<Eve> lol
* Jehova sighs
<Jehova> bbl
* Jehova has left #Eden
* Serpent has joined #Eden
<Serpent> Pssst! he said you can't eat the fruit?
<Eve> Yeah, so?
<Serpent> lol, u wont die, eat a fruit!
* Eve munches
<Eve> You eat too, Adam, or I won't go down on you
<Adam> mmm-kay
* Adam munches
<Eve> NOOO, WTF!
<Adam> I feel so drrrty
<Serpent> lmao
* Jehova has joined #Eden
<Jehova> what have you done?
<Eve> it was the serpent!
<Jehova> Serpent, schmerpent!
<Adam> really!
* Jehova sets mode: -v Serpent
<Jehova> fs
* Jehova sets mode: +b Adam!*adam@host1.10.1.genesis.com
* Jehova sets mode: +b Eve!*eve@host1.10.2.genesis.com
* Adam was kicked by Jehova (Get out!)
* Eve was kicked by Jehova (Get out!)
* Jehova changes topic to "and stay out!"
* Flamingsword has joined #Eden
* Jehova sets mode: +o Flamingsword
* Jehova has left IRC (signed off)
The King Can Do No Wrong.
Peppe dice che Blackberry fa schifo, e che Android fa schifo ma per anni...
Peppe è stato un felice possessore di Blackberry Torch 9800.
Peppe è stato un felice possessore di Samsung Galaxy S III.