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Fantastico: Diablo II recensito dai mormoni bacchettoni USA



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Post 24 Feb 2003 14:04

Fantastico: Diablo II recensito dai mormoni bacchettoni USA

Original Link: http://www.almenconi.com/topics/games/diablo2.html

Un pazzo furioso wrote:STORYLINE

This RPG is a sequel to the original Diablo game and starts where the original left off. To win the original Diablo game, the player had to defeat Diablo (the devil) and absorb his powers by taking his horn and wearing it as his own head. Ultimately this is a trick because Diablo really possesses the player instead of the player possessing Diablo’s powers. The sequel starts here. The "hero" of Diablo I is now the bad guy of Diablo II. At the start of the game you choose to play as an Amazon, a Barbarian, a Paladin, a Necromancer, or a Sorceress. Each has distinct powers and advantages. You must then track Diablo through four huge virtual worlds and stop him from completing his evil quest. The trail is easy to pick up since legions of demons are hanging around every area. The player must defeat Diablo and his brothers from Hell, Baal and Mephisto, plus their minions. The storyline is a desperate battle between you and all the demons of hell over the souls of mankind. You can either play alone on your computer or go online to join a party of other players and fight as a team.

Practically every moment of the game involves your character being attacked by demons or evil humans. The bad guys are bloodily dispatched as your characters rip and blow them apart with spears, axes, swords, javelins, and magic spells. The monsters line up and get squashed until they run out of reinforcements or your character runs out of life. The rock music blares as the demons’ blood drains to the floor and you watch your blood slowly drain from the orb visible at the bottom of your screen. When your orb drains away, your character dies.

The game is a race to acquire as much magic weapons and occult power as possible to compete with Diablo, Baal, Mephisto, and their horde.

None. The chat that happens with other live players on the Internet can be very coarse according to who you play with.

As expected, some of the cartoonish females wear reveling clothing. I also find it interesting that females can fight in thongs but I rarely see male fighters dress so inappropriately.

The main "bad guys" names are very occultic for starters: Diablo (Spanish for devil), Baal (Canaanite pagan god), and Mephisto (an evil spirit whose name first occurs in the German Faustbuch) are names for the real Devil or his agents.

Occult magic is plentiful with the use of curses, magic spells, reanimating dead humans and monsters, magic protection auras, supernatural healing, and enchanted (demon-possessed) weapons. Supernatural monsters, demons, and occult-warped human beings oppose your character at every turn. Many of these creatures are derived from actual occult lore.

Diablo, as well as many other RPG’s, set up a world where a good side is fighting a bad side. In order to win, the good side must be just as brutal and employ just as much occult magic to win. This tells the player that it is okay to use evil powers because you are the good guy and you have to do what it takes to win. For example, one of the good guys you can play is the Necromancer. The Necromancer has the power to communicate with and command dead monsters and humans to serve him in battle. This character typically resurrects corpses and makes them attack the enemy or can even have the cadavers explode and kill enemy units with flying body parts. The necromancer can also make freshly killed demons rise again and attack other demons through occult spell casting.

Humans are murdered and tortured, churches burned, demons evoked, possessions of humans by demons, and the angels of heaven manipulate humans as much as the demons do. The universe of Diablo 2 is a dualistic one, but instead of good and evil presented as locked in combat, the reality is evil verses more evil and no happy ending is possible.

Many Christian gamers excuse all of the fantasy occult magic and murder for fun violence as okay because they are playing the good guys. Diablo 2 forces any gamer--Christian or otherwise--to participate in a system where it is impossible to tell the good guys from the bad guys due to both sides using copious amounts of black magic and murder to win. The Paladin character is considered the most righteous character and many "Christian" gamers like to play him. He is a Knight in shining armor who uses magic to heal him and other players and to create magic protection auras. Even dabbling in the occult is forbidden in the Bible and this character uses occult magic with one hand while cleaving enemies with his sword in the other hand. Christian gamers need to wake up and see the deep level of compromise they make with their faith when they submerge themselves in the virtual world of Diablo 2.

Diablo 2 lives up to the legacy started with the original Diablo and remains rife with occult magic and murder. The Bible warns us to have nothing to do with the Devil in any of his names. Diablo 2 earns a score of 19% (F) [See Rating Definitions] on these grounds.
The King Can Do No Wrong.
Peppe dice che Blackberry fa schifo, e che Android fa schifo ma per anni...
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Post 24 Feb 2003 16:01

:shock: Ma questa gente non ha altro di meglio da fare che sparare troiate???
Io fosso della blizzard avrei inviato un abominio o un tauren a sfasciargli la casa di tutti quelli che possono solo avere minimamente a che fare con cio


Post 25 Feb 2003 01:17

Va bhe non capisco praticamente nulla o poco di quello ke ci sta scritto...ma parla male di Diablo 2 ?

O a voi non piace diablo 2 ?

Bho cmq mi interessa xke ci sto giocando da poco :D

Un mio parere sul game ? Bhe tra tutti quelli ke gioco ed ho giocato lo metterei in fondo alla lista xke manca in molte cose.

Pero' non e' da scartare completamente. Sopratutto se avete un compagno di gioco esperto ke vi pompa il pg come sta succedendo a me hiihihihhi ^^

Dite i vostri pareri ke mi interessa, ho la possibilita' di invitare un gruppo di gente abile nel gioco a far parte del clan e ad aprire una nuova sezione se siete d'accordo :)


Post 25 Feb 2003 22:18



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Post 26 Feb 2003 01:46

sempre + malatiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
Il Marabù è un uccello predatore. Il Marabù è anche un ucello spazzino. Queste caratteristiche lo rendono odiato e disprezzato dagli esseri umani. Gli umani apprezzano gli animali in cui vedono le qualità che desiderano tanto avere e odiano gli animali dalle caratteristiche che vorrebbero catalogare non "umane". Il mondo in cui viviamo non è governato da micetti graziosi o cani fedeli. Sono i Marabù a governare in questo mondo, e sono dei pessimi bastardi.


Post 26 Feb 2003 01:49



Post 28 Feb 2003 23:53




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Post 02 Mar 2003 22:25

Xkè nn aprire un sezione anche su Lod?
Maybe.... Miss Transexual.....

ThE)Homer...Miss transexual,
Napoleone[G]...Miss transexual,
ThE)Knight...Miss transexual

Maybe...Miss transexual..

ThE)Zephyr...Miss transexual,
SonGoku_mang...Miss transexual,
(W)Vaiper, hahaha, Miss transexual

.(Frankino Dj- Original Mix -Miss Transexual).

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