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Lets See if you guys can solve this:P




Posts: 186

Joined: 27 Aug 2007 20:27

Post 06 Oct 2007 18:39

by the way for the previous question(something you use everyday more than once....)

my first answer was deuterium :D....

anyways now let me see what you got for the following ;)...

ThE)Illusionist wrote:Lets say that you Data bank is under attack by a Virus.
in order to disable to count down and shut down the virus you need to enter code... you were able to crack the algorithm of the virus and you had the following Clue...


hint: Caesar box

code required to disable the virus is numeric...


SpaceFed Captain
SpaceFed Captain

Posts: 49

Joined: 08 Sep 2006 19:16

Post 09 Mar 2008 23:27

Caesar shifting are one of the basing means of shifting a sequence of letters by a certain ratio forward. It was originally used by Julius Caesar with a 3 letter shift forward (A becomes D, and so on). So I'm guessing that's the cypher, but I'm to lazy to type the entire sequence :))

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