[5.200.000 Tot. Damage] ScottKBUF vs. Don(Hellas)
Attacker ScottKBUF - SpaceFed[x:xxx:xx]
L.Fighter 1.372
Cruiser 53
B.Ship 215
Defender Don - Hellas[x:xxx:xx]
S.Cargo 24
L.Cargo 27
L.Fighter 76
H.Fighter 37
Cruiser 28
B.Ship 20
Recy. 4
Esp. Probe 24
Miss. 5
S.Laser 143
H.Laser 31
Gauss 9
Ion.C 16
Plasma 2
S.Dome 1
Witty Comment
Attacker ScottKBUF [x:xxx:xx]
L.Fighter 1.165
Cruiser 52
B.Ship 215
Defender Don [x:xxx:xx]
The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
86.537 Metal, 96.601 Crystal and 2.300 Deuterium
The attacker has lost a total of 855.000 Units.
The defender has lost a total of 4.345.000 Units.
At these space coordinates now float 810300 Metal and 387.600 Crystal.
The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 11 %
-----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----
Your 55 recyclers have a total load capacity of 1100000. On the target field 810.300 metal and 391.800 crystal are drifting in space. You have collected 708.200 metal and 391.800 crystal.
Missed a little bit of the debris but still made a profit on it...
Total Profit: 426.238[/align]