WGT BanList Per Hack
BanList WGT wrote:31-03-04
ImTheSky rank Hack, this game was in the cheater? section, and he got caught with BWchart.
JacK_Mx rank Hack, this game was in the cheater? section.
Funeral[VFT] rank: maphack, confirmed with bwchart thanks to Revolve
R4E rank: maphack, confirmed with bwchart thanks to Revolve
KrNSouL rank: Hack, caught by Banko no comments to this.
MicroGamerART aka HonoR)hiyo aka Fiesta aka HonoR)Probz rank: Hack, caught by PirrLokk
MicRoHoW Rank . Hack. Caught on bwchart. Thx to vS.Element for this catch.
kOr)Baram rank: Hack, caught by ExtinctionWall, thx.
BgH_LOGAN rank: stats 4 - 15 (300 Pts) Hack, pretty much newb hacker, caught by Verbloten
ManyFriend Rank . Was in the CheatSection. Caught on bwchart in a pretty obvious game. Thx to opBenzix for this catch.
GooDZzZKa Rank: Hack, thanks to Art(Of)Noise http://www.wgtour.com/forum.php?datab=b ... ject=40967
FLW-1TnT Rank: Hack, thanks to oG)HaSuGuRu http://www.wgtour.com/forum.php?datab=b ... 206&page=1
legolas_active Rank Using rigged maps. Caught in a private investigation started by EagLeSighT .
Z4_F1 rank: Hack, caught easly by dT[drOp].
hN)Relax rank: Hack, also bot cheating.
emc]Glue rank: Hack, caught by -=Neo=-
Deleted[eM] rank: Hack, caught by BlitzKrieg.
Subliminal rank: Hack, caught by liXA. Also thanks to Revolve for help.
Eravgad rank: Hack, caught by ZyMotiC.
ArtOfBoxer rank: Hack, caught by stalinity.
mikie0426 Rank Hack. Thx to [cF]Dukkha for the catch.
hT)SeXyBoY Rank aka nG.cRaSh[1] banned before for hack. Also thx to JEDi_SoNe for this catch.
iloveSylvia rank: aka MofD)ZerG Hack, caught by his clan members.
MinusFever Rank Hack. Caught himself accusing innocent KaMuI[CF]
Neosfracik Rank: Hack, thanks to ips.gsus
oM-UnsAn Rank: Hack, caught via a hack complaint
CLS)GhosT, HanZo-, HuiT, NoMineMon, DinoMon accounts used by MinusFever banned before.
Good4Me rank Hack. He had really blatant games on his matchlist, with tons of bwchart proof also. Also thanks to Up)DeepForest( for this catch.
26-4-04 rank LastHerO[TIC] TiC 9 - 2 (780 Pts) 0 - 0 (0 Pts)
thx Sorryilose , he found it with bwchart , 3:17 select hatch
Azit.Seven[H] Rank: , caught via BWChart, thanks to GoT)Dolphin for the catch.
hN)Option Rank: Hack, aka tuig, inc)gororok etc
Zeloto Rank: Hack, caught in the "Cheater?" section with BWChart. Thanks to CancelNow
ShyBoy[TiC rank: Hack, caught by 2BR)UnDead.
B.K)R(LeMoN_ Rank hack. Put in cheater section by Fuhrer_die and bwchart proof found by Frez_ee . Thx lot.
MinJonG Rank Hack. Caught on bwchart by uD.TiGeR, thx.
sKybLu)LtGamer (aka skyblu)tnt , gravatus, jinritual) Rank: Rigged maps
Bk.gLuE- rank: Hacker, aka emc]Glue.
hT)Rush.M3 rank Hack. Accused Claude-O_o of hacking while hacking himself.
iheartsex Rank: Caught on bwchart Thx to reaVer_StorM
DaRK.FaiTh. Rank: Caught on bwchart Thx to sNorre-
kimYoOnho Rank: Caught on Bwchart Thx to BEFO
GoodZZZoP Rank: Caught on Bwchart Thx to PaRaDiSe!
gonia118 Rank: Caught on Bwchart Clicking 1/2 his opponents buildings. Sad.
NoStY- Rank: Caught hacking on Bwchart Thx to Revolve
Accuses 4u4u of hacking and gets caught him self. Nice job.
DoMaR[RF] Rank: Caught hacking on bwchart Thx to rica_parelejo
GoSu-xG- Rank: Caught hacking on bwchart/lasgo Thx to uD.TiGeR
Angel[Art] Rank: Caught hacking on bwchart/lasho Thx to Thurim
SoSo_us Rank: Caught hacking after carful review of many replays Thx to everyone on the cheater section team for this catch.
Tw]i[ster Rank: Caught hacking on bwchart/lasgo Thx to TiGeR~
Nrt.Seven[H] Rank : Caught hacking on bwchart/lasgo, it was also very blatant. Thx to rS.Wisdom
ReMi.k Rank: Caught hacking on bwchart/lasgo Thx to czolg[xs]
[TsK]SuiCide= Rank: Blatent hack, caught by alot of people .
HeRoS)enyCe Rank: aka HonoR)Probz Previously banned for hacking.
NewCreate Rank: Caught hacking in cheater section, Bwchart/Lasgo Thx to sW)ZeJeJa
iT.jJiNZerG Rank: Caught hacking in cheater section, Bwchart/Lasgo Thx to NeWTosStyle
SinplayBoy Rank: Caught hacking on BWchart, Thx to Vi)Moonlight
JessicA^.~ (Rico) (18-0) banned for map hack thanks to
1410)Troku[tC] .
Hz99)VioLeuR (21-0) banned for maphack.
GuaM.01-AuRoN Rank: Caught hacking on BWchart, Thx to Mr.DaNi
ClanName Rank: Caught hacking on BWchart, Thx to CeRvEzA
GuiGokSinhoArt Rank: Was accused of hacking by about 6 people, Caught on bwchart Thx to Frez_ee.
immajor Rank: Caught hacking on bwchart Thx to Funny)Axel(
FLoWMaStErZ Rank: aka WoNDeRBoi Rank: aka Skyinthewater Rank: Banned for maphack.
ShakZ Rank: Rigged Map User. Heavy Abuse. Caught Thanks to
Atlantis[GTM] Rank: Caught hacking thanks to SF)xRt
18umaphack[a2] Rank: BIG FISH. Caught hacking on BWChart he clicks in almost everygame. Thanks to Frez_ee. Also he was previously banned.
ny.187 rank: Banned for hacking, caught on bwchart Thanks to zLx.
oM-ForU Rank: aka oM-Day4.5
aka SW-Day4.5 Banned for hacking.
hN)Exus Rank : Banned for hacking caught on bwchart thanks to DaRKeR
TheFirst0ne Rank: Caught hacking on bwchart. Thanks to Tritax
Raul[aC] Rank: Banned for maphack, caught on bwchart thanks to Killua..!!
TaWo-tOsS banned for used trigged maps, caught by EagLeSighT
hN)KemsoL Banned for NW abuse (aka jungle.Victer ) then later banned for HACKS. Caught by a private investigation of the cheater section.
jungle.Victer Banned for hacking immediatly following the ban of his smurf (AKA hN)KemsoL ) thanks to the cheater section.
Che dire, a distanza di parecchi anni dal lancio di questo innocentissimo gioco, c'è ancora molta gente che non capisce che questo è solo un innocentissimo gioco e usa i trucchi più sporchi per vincere.Queste persone sono l'apice della ridicolità, perchè se non sanno vincere da soli a un'innocentissimo gioco, nella vita non sapranno vincere affatto.
Notare che vi sono anche diversi cosiddetti "team leader" di fama comprovata (addirittura il capo degli hN)!) mentre altri come hT)SexyBoy sono solo l'ennesima riconferma di quanto certe persone (anche certi italiani come lui) siano dei falliti.
Che dire...vergogna...