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i have a dream...



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Post 04 Nov 2003 11:14

i have a dream...

i dream a world in which i know how to play broodwar, i dream a world in which i am able to play 1v1 game arrangement.

Anyone would like to let this dream become reality?
Eugenio aka Genie77 aka MaNDRiLLo[Zoo] and @@cOccOdrillO@@....
n1.Genie77 on bw

i toscani sanno l'italiano
Amon wrote: Se leggi bene cosa ho scritto, io non ho fatto nessun riferimento alla colpevolità o meno di jugge su questa cosa


Archspace wrote:The Doom Star, as its name implies, is nearly a celestial body in its own right. The pinnacle of space design for any known sentient species, this behemoth is so large that merely trying to land it on a planet would cause an ecological catastrophe. It is large enough that it generates a large gravitational pull, which would wreak havoc on itself and any planets that it approached. Fitted with a terrifying array of weaponry, the Doom Star can dispense annihilation upon any nearly any enemy. Simply put, anyone who tries attacking a Doom Star deserves what they get.



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Post 04 Nov 2003 11:28

Fatti,non pugnette Genie! :)
ThE)DreaM wrote:ps nn ti mando affanculo per il semplice motivo che sono le 6 di mattina e sono sbronzo come un valtellinese alle 9 di sera


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Post 04 Nov 2003 13:20

mi aiuti tu?
Eugenio aka Genie77 aka MaNDRiLLo[Zoo] and @@cOccOdrillO@@....
n1.Genie77 on bw

i toscani sanno l'italiano
Amon wrote: Se leggi bene cosa ho scritto, io non ho fatto nessun riferimento alla colpevolità o meno di jugge su questa cosa


Archspace wrote:The Doom Star, as its name implies, is nearly a celestial body in its own right. The pinnacle of space design for any known sentient species, this behemoth is so large that merely trying to land it on a planet would cause an ecological catastrophe. It is large enough that it generates a large gravitational pull, which would wreak havoc on itself and any planets that it approached. Fitted with a terrifying array of weaponry, the Doom Star can dispense annihilation upon any nearly any enemy. Simply put, anyone who tries attacking a Doom Star deserves what they get.



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Post 04 Nov 2003 13:37

se mi spieghi un po tutto ti aiuto io.

Quando incontrarci, ore ecc.
Edit di Shade: Niente roba politica in signa thx.

Edit di Magistrate: Troppa roba in firma Black, metti al max un quote e magari un po meno invii



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Post 04 Nov 2003 14:20

I have the same dream. But instead of Brood War i play The frozen throne.

One day i'll be ThE) best.... Maybe not in this life. :P
Messaggio nascosto, farcito con nutella.


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Post 04 Nov 2003 15:16

I'm gonna help u if u'll teach me how to play bw!
Last edited by ThE)ShaD0W on 04 Nov 2003 15:17, edited 1 time in total.
[quote="Der_Wolf"]Ho appena sfasciato il cd, e questo è il mio ultimo post.[/quote]


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Post 04 Nov 2003 15:53

sono sicura che Call ti insegnerà a perdere con classe.


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Post 04 Nov 2003 16:10

andata Popo, io ci sono di sera di solito... odio lurker, medici e corsair (anche se non uso + z -.-)
Eugenio aka Genie77 aka MaNDRiLLo[Zoo] and @@cOccOdrillO@@....
n1.Genie77 on bw

i toscani sanno l'italiano
Amon wrote: Se leggi bene cosa ho scritto, io non ho fatto nessun riferimento alla colpevolità o meno di jugge su questa cosa


Archspace wrote:The Doom Star, as its name implies, is nearly a celestial body in its own right. The pinnacle of space design for any known sentient species, this behemoth is so large that merely trying to land it on a planet would cause an ecological catastrophe. It is large enough that it generates a large gravitational pull, which would wreak havoc on itself and any planets that it approached. Fitted with a terrifying array of weaponry, the Doom Star can dispense annihilation upon any nearly any enemy. Simply put, anyone who tries attacking a Doom Star deserves what they get.


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Dottor Terran
Dottor Terran

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Post 04 Nov 2003 17:08

call call for any help
o meglio in romano
call TO call



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Post 04 Nov 2003 18:05

genie io sono Terran, io ci sono molte sere(non tutte perchè ho allenamento di pallone e quindi arrivo tardi) ma anche alcune mattine a alcuni pomeriggi(insomma non faccio mai un cazzo per spiegarci).
Edit di Shade: Niente roba politica in signa thx.

Edit di Magistrate: Troppa roba in firma Black, metti al max un quote e magari un po meno invii


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Post 04 Nov 2003 20:00

ma parlate come mangiate

io adoro quest'uomo chiamato vland wrote:Il comandamento dice non uccidere, ma se ti trovi 1 criminale in casa con un coltello che sta per far fuori tutta la tua famiglia, ed hai un fucile in mano, lo lasci fare? io no, gli faccio saltare la testa a quel figlio di puttana, e dopo rido del suo cadavere accendendomi un sigaro.

pamparulez wrote:COmunista e' un offesa.
Partito comunista combattente... fottiti!

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